--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASINO GAMES v1 DS2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This GAMES disk has 8 programs which will give you hours of fun and relaxation. Roulette and Keno might be used to develop your own system of beating the casinos. I found the 3D tic-tac-toe and the Othello games to be just great fun, for they match your wits against the computer. The PC- Othello game is meant to be played by two computer users over the telephone wire. If you are a serious internals person with experience in Assembly you may find Corewars to be both fun and a learning experience. The biorythms charting program is very good. All in all a nice collection of computer games. 3DTICTAC EXE 3-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe game against the computer BIORHY TXT Short Intoduction to biorythm and its use BIORHY COM Program to calculate your biorythm on any date BRIDGE EXE Program which randomly deals bridge hands for practice BRIDGE DOC Notes about the use of BRIDGE.EXE COREWAR EXE Executable corewar game program COREWAR DOC Complete instructions on COREWAR.EXE KENO EXE The program file for the keno game OTHELLO DOC Documentation for OTHELLO.COM OTHELLO COM+ Executable program for color computer systems OTH-BW COM The Program for monochrome or b/w computers PCOTHELL DOC Documentation for PCOTHELL.EXE PCOTHELL EXE Executable program for othello PCOTHELL PN1 Communication file for com1 PCOTHELL PN2 Communication file for com2 ROULETTE EXE The program file for roulette